4 reasons to use the new V4 vaccine for Newcastle Disease

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This is a new vaccine, which has the following advantages:

Heat tolerant

It is a heat-tolerant vaccine selected from non-virulent forms of NDV naturally occurring in Australasia. In an experiment conducted in Malawi, young chicks which received the vaccine after it had been exposed to ambient temperature for six weeks developed high antibody titres and resisted challenge with a velogenic, viscerotropic ND virus strain (Sagild and Spalatin, 1982).

Arial vaccination

After about half of the birds of a household flock are caught and vaccinated, and if all the birds are then confined together overnight, the vaccine will spread naturally from vaccinated to unvaccinated birds. The antibody response of these “naturally” vaccinated is comparable with that of the vaccinated birds (Young, 1991).

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Stress  free

Unlike conventional vaccines, which cannot be given if the birds are under stress, the ND V4 is so mild that it can be given to birds under stress.

Mixed with feed

The vaccine can be administered by mixing with feed, although the eye-drop method of inoculation is much more effective.

Although V4 has shown promising results in overcoming the major constraints associated with Newcastle Disease vaccination, there are still problems with its use in scavenging systems at the village level, where feeding is irregular and poultry are hatched, bought and sold throughout the year.

In all countries, laboratory trials to assess  various feeds as carriers and to familiarize technicians with the vaccine and virulent challenge systems should be conducted before field trials. Production data should be collected before, during and after vaccination. This is essential to evaluate the efficiency of vaccination.

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